Our ambition is to be among the best global chemical and petrochemical companies in relation to health, occupational safety and process safety.
OUR GOALTo have zero occupational diseases and reduce the frequency of personal accidents and process accidents by half.
Our performance

Health and safety
Health and Safety are non-negotiable values for Braskem. No wonder, our health and safety results are among the best in the global chemical industry.

Our team members and contractors are trained to use the Intelius management system tools, created from international standards ISO 45001, ISO 14000 and ISO 9000. Applied to all company activities, the tools allow for the identification and prevention of impacts on worker health and safety, providing for corporate audits and tracked monthly by standardized KPIs.
Continuous work in the Safety area yields excellent results. Currently, the frequency rate of accidents with and without leave (including team members and partners) is only 0.95 – the best result for the last three years.

Discover our projects

Comprehensive Health Program
With the help of a consultancy, we are dedicated to building this program that encompasses various factors that influence the quality of life, such as obesity, smoking and drug use. There will be four pillars of health performance: physical, emotional/mental, socio-family and occupational.

Human Reliability
"Ações de educação, gestão de conhecimento y actuación prática sobre el topic. Nearly a thousand people who work directly at the industrial plants, including members and contractors, receive training on the practices and culture of human reliability on a day-to-day basis at the plants."

Improvements in the health, safety and environment management process for suppliers
In 2020, we have evolved our health and safety criteria applied in the assessment of industrial suppliers, increasing their weight and highlighting the general set of assessment criteria. In 2021, we conducted the pilot of these assessments, which has four main criteria: 1) Accident tax with tax 2) Accident tax without tax 3) Accident tax with tax without tax 4) Gravity tax.

Industry 4.0
Use of digital and industry 4.0 tools to improve two aspects of health, safety and the environment.