Braskem continuously invests in and sponsors projects in the social, environmental and governance spheres by valuing the seven dimensions of our ESG Commitments.
Use the filters below to learn more about each initiative of Braskem and its partners.

Corais de Maré
Innovative project that aims to recover reefs in Baía de Todos os Santos (BA), using the skeleton of the bioinvader Coral-sol to produce seedbeds for the native species Millepora alcicornis, enhancing its recovery process with the help of plastic materials. In addition to preserving and restoring the marine ecosystem, the action benefits communities on Ilha de Maré, with income generation, ecological tourism and training of environmental agents.

Philadelphia Eagles Sustainability Partnership
The partnership includes the development of a recycling program for bottle caps and other plastic products. It also has an online education platform for 30 schools in Philadelphia, PA, to teach students career opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) and inspire the next generation of leaders.

Preparar Project
The Project is aimed at teenagers from 14 years old and takes to schools and other institutions the knowledge necessary for the personal and professional development of young people, such as content related to sustainable development and SDGs, Circular Economy, Finance, Diversity, Technology, Entrepreneurship, among others.

Recycling Center Marcus Hook
In the United States, there is a Braskem plant located directly in a residential community, in Marcus Hook, PA. We have actively participated in 5 meetings of the Marcus Hook Environmental Advisory Committee and maintain an active relationship with the Marcus Hook council representative to ensure we are helping to meet the needs and expectations of the community.
In 2022, we financed (through Private Social Investment) a new waste collection center so that Marcus Hook residents could recycle common household waste.
We partnered with Keep PA Beautiful and the Marcus Hook Borough to conduct a cleanup drive and focus on areas near the Marcus Hook Creek to remove plastic waste from the environment.

The Franklin Institute - Official Diversity & Inclusion Sponsor
Braskem proudly sponsors the STEM Scholars program at The Franklin Institute, a transformative four-year college and career preparation initiative. Each year, this program recruits 20 freshman students from the Philadelphia area, focusing on those from communities historically underrepresented in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and math).
By supporting this initiative, Braskem is not only investing in education but also in the future leaders who will drive innovation and change in our world.

ACV Brazilian Business Network
Braskem is one of the founders and members of the ACV Network, whose objective is to mobilize companies, encourage and promote the use of ACV as a tool to determine the sustainability of two products.

The Alliance to End Plastic Waste (AEPW) is a not-for-profit organization that includes chemical and plastics manufacturing companies, consumer goods companies, retailers, converters and waste management companies, otherwise known as the plastics value chain. Since 2019, around 90 member companies, project partners, allies and supporters are committed to ending plastic waste in the environment, especially in the ocean. Bringing together a diverse network of resources and expertise, from technical leaders, engineers, scientists and professionals, working together to create and scale innovative solutions around the world. Braskem is a member of this alliance and contributes to the main objective through three main fronts: business strategy focused on sustainable development; promotion of the circular economy, stimulating new approaches, from production to disposal; strengthening of portfolio, technologies and business models based on biopolymers and plastic reuse.

In partnership with Alcamare, the region's largest recycler, Braskem Idesa seeks to increase the recycling of PE and PP. Products with recycled plastic are already being marketed and the companies continue to work together to offer recycled products with food-grade, or even PCR for food contact.

Annual Meeting of the Chemical Industry - ENAIQ
In search of the constant development of the cadeia, we are sponsors of the Annual Meeting of the Chemical Industry (ENAIQ) in order to promote debates and disseminate data on the performance of the chemical industry. The event has the participation of various sectors and industry agents

Annual Meeting of the Latin American Petrochemical and Chemical Association - APLA
Through conferences held by large consultancies, we sponsor an event that is a reference in the petrochemical market and addresses the most relevant trends in the sector.

Created in 2010, it is the largest enterprise for the production of water for industrial reuse in South America and the fifth largest on the planet.

Braskem and Veolia reached an agreement of R$ 400 million of investment to produce renewable energy with the use of steam from eucalyptus biomass in Alagoas. The project will generate 900 thousand tons of steam/year, for 20 years, which will mean a reduction in emissions of approximately 150 thousand tons of CO2 per year. In addition, it will create more than 400 direct jobs during the construction phase and approximately 100 job posts in the operation (post-work).

Blue Keepers
At the initiative of the Rede Brasil do Pacto Global, it brings together companies from various sectors to face the challenge of discarding two plastics in the seas and Braskem participates in the movement. With joint articulation and focus on waste management, the project acts to generate an impact in the short, medium and not long term through diagnostic fronts, solutions, pilot projects and public management.

Boolmberg Gender Equality Index 2022
We were selected for the 2nd consecutive time to integrate the portfolio of the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index (GEI)

Braskem and Nexus Circular
In the United States, Braskem signed a definitive 10-year commercial agreement for the supply of circular raw materials, coming from a new chemical recycling unit of Nexus Circular, a company that converts plastics, which are difficult to recycle, such as plastic films discarded in landfills , in raw material. In January 2022, Braskem concluded a strategic investment in the company.

Braskem and Sebrae Program to Support Local Entrepreneurship
The Program is aimed at micro and small companies and proposes to show the paths in a scenario of changes, either in consumer behavior or in business models. It also aims to discuss accelerating the use of digital tools through free consultations in the areas of strategy and planning, finance, people, marketing and sales.

Braskem and Wise Plásticos S.A.
Braskem signed an agreement with Wise Plásticos S.A., one of the main Brazilian players in mechanical recycling, for the acquisition of 61.1% of the company's share capital, expanding even more the recycling capacity of plastic residues for transformation into post-process recycled resins. consumption. Braskem and Wise continue to operate independently.

Braskem Entrepreneurs
?The project aims to promote the professional training of women in micro and small businesses in the region surrounding Braskem, enabling sustainable growth through the construction and application of management practices, structuring of short-term financial operations and construction of processes of generating ideas.

Braskem Labs
The Braskem Labs is a platform made up of three programs to encourage the Brazilian entrepreneurial ecosystem. Since 2015, we have been working in partnership with various players to accelerate businesses and startups that have a positive impact on society and the environment. In the 2020 edition of the program, we invite companies from our value chain to participate in the program known to us, counting on Ambev, BRF, AkzoNobel and Grupo Boticário, for mentoring with startups and building business opportunities with them. Despite two challenges of social distancing, the 20 startups selected for the Ignition and Scale programs will go through three months of workshops, dynamics and remote networking to accelerate and structure their businesses, closing the cycle like Demo Day, where they will expose their businesses to investors , executives and business partners. All year, 25% of accelerated startups will become clients, suppliers or partners of Braskem and/or two of our co-sponsors.

Braskem proprietary technology
Development of pioneering non-pyrolysis technology for chemical recycling with the aim of transforming plastic waste into basic chemicals. Using a catalyst and proprietary process technology, it breaks the plastic molecules making other future applications possible. The project contributed to the circularity of plastic, with low carbon emissions and also traces fewer pollutants in recycled resin.

Brazilian Congress of Plastics
Iniciativa do Instituto SustenPlást, o Congreso Brasileiro do Plástico, has the purpose of clarifying and presenting scientific information regarding plastic in various segments, in order to improve the relationship of society with the material, introducing the topic of circular economy, education and innovation.

Carbon Pricing
Since 2016 we have implemented the Internal Carbon Pricing methodology, "Preço Sombra", with an approach aimed at risk management and potentiating opportunities in the investment decision-making process. In 2020, based on learning from the application in Brazil, a marginal abatement cost curve (MACC) was built with all potential or implemented mitigation initiatives. Based on this analysis, an update of the carbon price was made and a global pricing strategy was defined based on the "Implicit Price", with coverage in 100% of the operations in all the countries in which it operates.

Casa do Zezinho
Casa do Zezinho, since its foundation, has been a space for development opportunities for children and young people who live in situations of high social vulnerability, fostering human development so that society becomes a better place.
Braskem supports this institution, which opens doors for low-income children and young people, guaranteeing their education and food, in order to break down social and economic barriers and create conditions for them to dream of autonomous thinking and pursue their life goals.

CDP Water
We are part of CDP Water's "A List", which recognizes the best open capital companies in the world in relation to water use management. Today we are part of the select group of 1% of companies in the world that will enter the "A List".

CDP Weather
We are among the leading companies in climate management by CDP for the 7th consecutive time, and we have reached 77% of our climate adaptation plan, in 2021.

CEBDS - Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development
Braskem's sponsorship of the CEBDS highlights the importance of joint involvement of stakeholders in the search for sustainable development solutions. The hydrographic basin project aims to work with content that generates documents and alternatives to support efficient water management in hydrographic basins.

CEO Water Mandate
Platform of the UN Global Compact that brings together a community made up of more than 150 companies from all over the world committed to the advancement of water management.

Chemical Week
We won the first edition of the Sustainability Award of the Financial & Sustainability Perspective Forum of Chemical Week, North American vehicle, in the Best Sustainable Initiative category with our portfolio of products for circular economy, or I'm greenT.

Chemistry Olympiad
Held annually, the Olympiad brings together high school students from schools from all over the State of São Paulo to arouse interest in chemistry and address their contributions to society. Braskem is one of the sponsors, for valuing the knowledge and accrediting the power of transformation of two young people.

Circular economy island
Braskem has a Circular Economy Island, located at the Triunfo (RS) Innovation and Technology Center to develop, test and enhance the performance of circular products. The Island has the objective of accelerating the development and applicability of post-consumer recycled resins, tracing gains in quality, variety and efficiency to meet the highest demands of the plastic market and the packaging sector.

Competitiveness Seminar
We sponsored the Competitiveness Seminar in search of promoting initiatives linked to innovation and sustainable development in the plastic sector and disseminating content about the future of material, in its main markets, not Brazil and the world.

Compliance System
We receive the certificate of completion of independent monitoring issued by the Federal Public Ministry (MPF), the US Department of Justice (DOJ) and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) certifying that Braskem complies with all its obligations under the leniency agreement and implemented an effective and robust Compliance Program.

Comprehensive Health Program
With the help of a consultancy, we are dedicated to building this program that encompasses various factors that influence the quality of life, such as obesity, smoking and drug use. There will be four pillars of health performance: physical, emotional/mental, socio-family and occupational.

Conformity in the Productive Chain
We assign the commitment of the private sector to the integrity of the production chain, announced by the International Chamber of Commerce, to ICC Brazil, evidencing the importance of scaling the good practices of Compliance also for the production chains.

Congress OPENS
With the objective of promoting and contributing to discussions about trends, challenges and opportunities in the packaging market, we support the Congress of the Brazilian Packaging Association (ABRE) as a way of promoting innovations, development and competitiveness in this segment, nationally and globally.

Design Braskem Challenge
The Braskem Design Challenge is a program that has been connecting professionals, students and companies for 9 years in search of innovative and more sustainable solutions to real packaging problems, through creativity and design, with the application of concepts such as Design for Environment, Life Cycle Analysis and Circular Economy.

Design for Environment
Aiming for more sustainable and circular packaging, we developed a design for environment methodology that uses life cycle analysis to identify environmental hotspots throughout the product life cycle. From this scientifically identified gap, the next step is to explore the consumer universe and their journey, maximizing attractiveness and usability. The ideation/prototyping/testing loop is repeated until we can combine sustainability, circularity and consumer experience in one product.

Dividend Distribution
Braskem paid non-total dividends of R$ 7.35 billion, based on the results of the 2021 fiscal year, representing 77.5% of adjusted net profit for the year. In December 2021, the Company's Board of Directors approved the distribution of early dividends, based on the results of the 2021 fiscal year, for a total amount of R$ 6.0 billion. Already in May 2022, the additional payment was made in the amount of R$ 1.35 billion, still based on the result of the fiscal year of 2021.

Ecobarreira is a sustainable solution for removing waste from the Guaíba River, in Rio Grande do Sul (RS). The project, in addition to playing an important role in cleaning up the river that supplies the city of Porto Alegre, receives support from Braskem in environmental education actions through visits focused on raising awareness about consumption and post-consumption.

First online learning network on conscious consumption and sustainability. The content works on consumption and after conscious consumption and is aimed at both teachers and elementary school students from schools throughout Brazil.

First online learning network on conscious consumption and sustainability. The content works for conscientious consumption and post-consumption and is directed both for teachers and for some students of the Fundamental Education of schools all over Brazil. The platform has more than 57,000 registered users, with nearly 11,000 in the communities around Braskem.

Efficient Carbon Index (ICO2)
We have been part of the B3 Carbon Efficient Index portfolio since 2011, which demonstrates the commitment of companies with the transparency of their emissions.

Energy Efficiency Program
Since 2019 we have an Energy Efficiency Program, created to accelerate energy initiatives that increase competitiveness and contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions. The Program já brings together relevant initiatives that will allow Braskem to be among the best chemical industries in the world in terms of energy consumption intensity.

Environmental Station
The Environmental Stations are green areas located around Braskem units in Alagoas, Bahia and Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). The spaces function as learning environments about sustainability, conscious consumption, product life cycles and biodiversity through a series of initiatives carried out at the locations.

Environmental Station - Cinturão Verde
Ecological reserve of 150 hectares, located in the restinga of the Pontal da Barra neighborhood, between the Atlantic Ocean and Lagoa Mundaú, in Maceió - AL. In 2006, it received certification from Unesco as an Advanced Post of the Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve in Alagoas. The recognition comes after the certification of Conservationist Breeding Area granted by the environmental agencies, it is also due to the reforestation actions carried out and the increasing visitation of the Alagoas population in the place.
The objective of the project is the full development and natural reproduction of fauna and flora, transforming the Cinturão Verde Environmental Station into an ecological refuge, where birds and animals from the surrounding area find the appropriate environment for their reproduction and survival, in addition to providing environmental education and the development of socio-environmental projects that positively impact communities and society in general.

Ethos Conference
The Ethos Conference analyzes and discusses current local and global challenges related to sustainable development. Braskem is credited with this joint articulation and dialogue between companies, business entities, civil society organizations, government and academia in search of new solutions and an increasingly sustainable world.

External acknowledgments
Braskem Idesa was recognized by Amitai and Fortune's Magazine in the Most Ethical Companies 2020 category, in Mexico. We also have the recognition of two Compliance professionals (CCO and Compliance Leader for South America) with the Compliance on Top award, given to the most admired executives in Brazil.

Forbes Rankings
Braskem was selected one of the best companies in the world to work for, according to the Forbes Ranking

Forming Links
The Forming Ties Program aims to bring Braskem closer to the communities, as well as university students, customers, suppliers, governmental and non-governmental institutions, the press, among others, so that they can learn more about our processes and facilities in Brazil.

Global Compact LEAD
Braskem is the only Brazilian company recognized as a Leading Company in Sustainable Development by the UN Global Compact. The Global Compact LEAD is a select group of companies that have acknowledged their commitments to the UN Global Compact and that assume a leadership role within the Global Compact, considered the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world. More than 10,000 companies from around the world participate in the Global Compact and, of this total, only 36 companies have received recognition from the UN, with Braskem being the only Brazilian company present among those recognized.

Global Volunteer Program
At Braskem, we have people for serving the purpose of improving people's lives. This is also the essence of our Global Volunteer Program, launched in 2017. Through the collaborative attitude of our Members, we managed to bring benefits to the community. The activities carried out by volunteers are scheduled by Braskem's Macro Sustainability Development Objectives and the choice of institutions benefited by the program are located in the vicinity of our operations and the capitals of the two states where we operate.

Human Reliability
"Ações de educação, gestão de conhecimento y actuación prática sobre el topic. Nearly a thousand people who work directly at the industrial plants, including members and contractors, receive training on the practices and culture of human reliability on a day-to-day basis at the plants."

Hybrid chemical and mechanical recycling process
Braskem joined forces with Case Western Reverse University (CWRU), MH&R, SANDIA National Lab, Lawrence Livermore National Lab and P&G, USA, to develop a new way to separate the components of multi-layer packaging. The initiative proposes a process of innovative and disruptive approach to create alternatives to recycle multi-layer packaging, a current challenge for the industry once its elements are more difficult to be separated and recycled than traditional ones. Through technology, Braskem and its partners will be able to separate both layers (polyolefinic and non-polyolefinic), allowing them to be sent for mechanical or chemical recycling.

Ibirapuera Park
Ibirapuera Park is working to be the most sustainable park in Latin America, with the goal of being zero landfill by 2025. And we join them to change the destination of the park to the most admired green area in the city of São Paulo. Aligned with our commitment to eliminate plastic waste, we announce the sponsorship of Ibirapuera Park. Our partnership would have as its main objective to support the Ibira in front of waste management, encouraging proper disposal and making recycling viable. Isso through a Waste Center within the park itself, in addition to digital and analog collectors, so that everyone can dispose of their waste properly.

I'm green
We are expanding our production capacity for green ethene, a raw material produced from sugarcane ethanol and used for the production of I'm greenT, a renewable resin that captures CO2 from the atmosphere. Located in Triunfo (RS), the industrial unit of this product has a current capacity of 200 thousand tons per year and will increase to 260 thousand tons per year.

Improvements in the health, safety and environment management process for suppliers
In 2020, we have evolved our health and safety criteria applied in the assessment of industrial suppliers, increasing their weight and highlighting the general set of assessment criteria. In 2021, we conducted the pilot of these assessments, which has four main criteria: 1) Accident tax with tax 2) Accident tax without tax 3) Accident tax with tax without tax 4) Gravity tax.

Index of actions with Corporate Governance Trade
We integrate the IGCT portfolio, which recognizes issuing companies with differentiated corporate governance practices, with additional criteria to the IGC (Differentiated Corporate Governance Ações Index).

Industry 4.0
Use of digital and industry 4.0 tools to improve two aspects of health, safety and the environment.

Innovate to Build
?The program's content highlights the various applications of plastic in construction, expanding knowledge about the material's versatility and advantages. In partnership with FIRJAN, the program aims to train and contribute to income generation for participants.

International Ink Congress - Abrafati
We sponsored the largest ink sector event in Latin America which, through technical conferences, plenary sessions and exhibitions of important players, brings together more than 1,200 professionals and addresses the major trends in the Brazilian and international markets.

Lagoa Viva Environmental Education Program
The program promotes workshops dedicated to environmental education and training to support the restoration and conservation of the environment, the generation of income for the population and the promotion of local culture in Maceió/AL. Over the years, it has contributed significantly to improving the quality of life of residents of the surrounding community, becoming an influential agent of public policies in the cities of Alagoas.

Leadership with Values Platform
By bringing together leaders in the discussion of corporate sustainability in Brazil, the platform generates knowledge focused on the practice and empowers the engagement of stakeholders with the theme.

Life Cycle Initiative
We are funding partners of the global and multi-stakeholder forum of UNEP focused on building knowledge and using LCA for decision-making processes.

This is a social initiative, which aims to promote the socio-productive inclusion of young people, initially in Santo André/SP and later in neighboring regions.
The purpose of Lutheria is to set up a school and atelier for the training of a workforce specialized in lutherie and the manufacture of string instruments rubbed from PVC plastic.

Mandaver Project
Braskem supports the development actions carried out by the Mandaver Institute in communities that live in conditions of social vulnerability in the Vergel do Lago neighborhood in Maceió. Mandaver's focus is to stimulate the local economy, with professional training, sports and education. The Institute also has a social bank and activities aimed at sustainable entrepreneurship and circular economy with a socio-environmental nature. The shellfish gatherers who participate in the project sell the shell of the sururu being paid with "Sururote", a social currency developed for the community. Each Sururote is equivalent to R$ 1.00 and is accepted in supermarkets, clothing stores, neighborhood barbershops and other services in the neighborhood.

The Masp fears the challenge of becoming a more sustainable museum and Braskem supports this initiative. Among the fronts of action, the partnership with the museum is promoting better waste management by beginning the installation of wastewater drains with selective collection and carrying out a proper destination of recyclable products in addition to presenting actions of conscious disposal and image of plastic for the public .

Mel Fishermen
Beekeeping project that is present in 6 municipalities in Alagoas: Maceió, Coqueiro Seco, Santa Luzia do Norte, Barra de São Miguel, Roteiro and Marechal Deodoro. The main objective is to generate income for fishermen in the region of the lagoon complex during the closed season, when fishing is not allowed, generating an additional income for the fishing families that are affected during this period. Braskem offers producers training and technical support and the equipment needed to practice the activity.

Music festivals
Braskem was present at the Rock in Rio, Lollapalooza and Popload festivals, promoting awareness regarding the correct disposal of waste and the recycling of plastic, through exchanges of plastic waste for toasts.

Na Mão Certa Program
Through the participation in the Na Mão Certa Program, from Childhood Brazil, we implement awareness actions with logistics and transport companies to prevent sexual exploration of children and adolescents on the roads.

Operation Clean Sweep
We are members of the Operation Clean Sweep (OCS) program and we are committed to adopting the best practices in relation to the control of pellets, flakes and dust in all our industrial units. Currently, we are members of OCS Blue, the highest level of participation in the program, both in Brazil and in the United States. The actions of the Pellet Zero Program, together with the other actions for the containment of pellets in the units, will contribute to the collection of approximately 2 thousand tons of pellets, flakes and post-fossem, preventing them from entering rivers and seas.

Program of the National Association of the Chemical Industry - ANIQ adopted by Braskem Idesa since 2017, which focuses on promoting responsible consumption, recycling and recycling of plastics through the creation of infrastructure for the collection of plastic waste, which can be exchanged for basic products of grocery or school supplies.
Location: Mexico City, Nanchital, Guadalajara, Monterrey

PLASTIEN is like a plastic waste collection cooperative run by women entrepreneurs from Nanchital, Veracruz. Through this program, Braskem Idesa creates infrastructure and offers training to small and medium-sized business entrepreneurs to help them increase family income and offer them access to better opportunities.
Location: Nanchital, Veracruz

Plastitroque aims to highlight the importance of selective collection, awareness and correct disposal of each type of waste and to encourage the recycling chain. Students from participating schools exchange recyclable plastics for plasticoins (project currency), which are converted into school gifts, food or hygiene and cleaning products.

The program supports participating students and schools by improving their education and school infrastructure by exchanging post-consumer plastic waste for school items. The objective is to promote good practices in the area of plastic collection, recycling, disposal and use, helping to cover the entire life cycle of plastic. The project also strengthens relationships with the local community, as it serves 65 primary and secondary schools in Nanchital, Villa Allende, Mundo Nuevo and Coatzacoalcos, in the state of Veracruz.
Location: Nanchital and Coatzacoalcos

Primus Inter Peers Award
Award that stimulates and promotes the sector of components for leather and footwear, setting companies that trace creative and innovative solutions in the lead. We sponsor the event to value or promote innovation, sustainability, design, technology and the importance of giving prestige to female entrepreneurs in the sector, a category created by Braskem no Prêmio.

Pro-Gender and Race Equity
Braskem is recognized for gender equality at work in the 6th edition of the Gender and Race Pro-Equity program, awarded by the Ministry of Women, Family and Human Rights (MMFDH), UN Women and the International Labor Organization (ILO)

Recovery of investment grade
In 2021, the risk rating agencies S&P Global Ratings and Fitch Ratings will raise Braskem's rating on a global scale for BBB-, with a stable perspective, or that it becomes a major investment company. The increase better reflects two indicators of profitability and cash flow, the commitment to the growth and the expectation that the company will continue to benefit from two better petrochemical spreads in the short term.

Rede de maré
Braskem supports the Rede de Maré project, carried out together with traditional communities from Ilha de Maré, in Salvador, in Bahia. The focus is to promote sustainable management of artisanal fishing in the region, as well as environmental education for communities focused on the marine ecosystem.

Reputation Research
Braskem has monitored its reputation since 2010, through an annual survey carried out with different stakeholders. The study assesses perceptions regarding emotional aspects, degrees of esteem, admiration, empathy and trust, in addition to rational indicators in seven dimensions: products and services, innovation, work environment, governance, citizenship, leadership and performance.

Responsible Ethanol Purchasing Program
Our management program for two ethanol suppliers and two of our more rigorous supply processes. The suppliers assume commitments with standards of conduct regarding integrity, environment, human rights of workers and communities, management of sugarcane suppliers, quality and efficiency. Furthermore, they authorize audits in their plants, or that include annual visits in plants selected by sample. In 2020, we carried out a diagnosis and established improvements in the Program management process, which will be implemented in 2021.

River Oil & Gas
The largest energy event in Latin America, in which the main brands of the oil and gas sector meet to participate in discussions about the industry and the development of new businesses. We support the event, which drives innovations in the chain and promotes or finds among the leaders.

S&P/B3 ESG Index
We have been part of the B3 Carbon Efficient Index portfolio since 2011, which demonstrates the commitment of companies with the transparency of their emissions.

SECI Social + AZO Cultural Center
Sports and culture for children and young people around Braskem's units in the ABC region of São Paulo. This is the focus of the traditional SECI Social Project and AZO Cultural Center, a reference for the region's community since the 1990s.

Seja! - Saberes da Eja
The union of individual vocations with the opportunity for professional qualification is the proposal of Seja! - You know from Eja. The program is focused on teaching professional training for young people from 18 years of age who still have not completed this stage of school life.

Senai Partnership
Cooperation agreement between Braskem, the Carioca Catalysts Factory (FCC S.A.), Senai Cetiqt and COPPE/UFRJ to enable or develop catalysts that improve the efficiency of pyrolysis technology, a process capable of breaking the molecules of plastic resins by means of heat, transforming-again in raw material that can be reinserted in the production chain of plastic. The expectation is that these catalysts improve the quality of the products generated in the chemical recycling process of plastic waste.

Ser+ Program
The project aims to promote the social inclusion and socioeconomic development of workers at the waste sorting units, strengthening and professionalizing cooperatives so that they become protagonists of major social and environmental transformations.

Solar energy purchase contracts
According to Voltalia, it consists of the purchase of solar energy, which will be consumed in the industrial units of Braskem in Brazil, adding competitive energy to its portfolio and investing in a clean and sustainable matrix.
Agreement with Canadian Solar enables the construction of a power plant in the North of Minas Gerais. The plant will have an installed capacity of 152 MWp, or enough to supply a city of 430,000 inhabitants. The generated energy will be used in the industrial units of Braskem in Brazil.
Through the contracts, the company estimates to reduce CO2 emissions by 130 thousand tons; and avoid the emission of 500 thousand tons of CO2, respectively, over two decades.

Sports Ambassadors
The purpose is to promote social inclusion through sports for children, young people and the elderly. The program, which focuses on swimming, also reinforces important pillars of the sport, drawing on themes such as, for example, discipline and teamwork.

Sustainability Index
We develop and implement the Sustainability Index for the entire portfolio of Innovation and Technology Projects (I&T), which is now part of the standard planning process and the approval pipeline for I&T projects. The Index has the objective of guaranteeing the alignment of two projects with sustainability, and all projects in the planning phase must respond to the questionnaire. For each dimension (water, energy, chemical safety (process/product), stove exhaust gas emissions and circularity), a project can have a positive, neutral or negative impact. Not total, in 2020 80% two I&T projects are presenting a positive impact on the Sustainability Index.

Technical feasibility studies
To continue investing in chemical recycling, Braskem is developing technical feasibility studies with companies specialized in conventional and alternative technologies. These studies seek to evaluate and compare technologies for chemical recycling in order to promote plastic recycling in all regions where Braskem operates.

We receive the Prize for Women's Empowerment Principles in the bronze category (Women's Empowerment Principles - WEPs). On the initiative of the UN Women and the Global Compact of the UN.

Wind Power Purchase Agreement
Braskem awarded a contract for the acquisition of wind energy from Casa dos Ventos. The corporate electric power contract (PPA) is linked to the construction of a new wind farm and provides for the supply of renewable energy for 20 years, with an estimate of avoiding the emission of about 700 thousand tons of CO2 per period. The agreements represent important advances in the company's sustainable energy strategy, in line with its efforts to expand the use of clean and sustainable energy matrixes in its operation.
Guideline for sponsorships and donations
Our decision-making is guided by a Business Guideline for sponsorships and donations, which covers investments that use direct funds and incentive funds. Check below the main topics, target audiences and the locations where the projects we sponsor are present:

Circular economy, global agenda for sustainability, innovation and knowledge generation, engagement with the chemical and plastic sector.

Braskem's market and/or chains of action, communities and surrounding region, academic community, society and opinion makers.

Regions where Braskem has its industrial units and commercial offices. Duque de Caxias (RJ); Cubatão, Mauá, Paulínia, Santo André, São Paulo (SP); Bebedouro, Maceió and Marechal Deodoro (AL); Camaçari, Candeias, Dias d'Ávila and Salvador (BA); Montenegro, Nova Santa Rita, Porto Alegre and Triunfo (RS).

Braskem does not support projects that:
- Promote political parties, politicians or religions.
- Promote violence, crime, drugs, sex, cruelty to animals and/or bad environmental practices.
- Are not aligned with the values of transparency, integrity and ethics.
- Be on behalf of natural persons. Only organizations can be supported.
- Promote professional artists or bands.
- Do not follow the registration and analysis process sent by the form available here.
Request for sponsorship or donation
You can submit your project for analysis by Braskem as a sponsorship or donation request. Know the themes, guidelines and restrictions beforehand.

Transfer of financial resources from Braskem, with or without the use of tax incentives, to legal entities with a view to carrying out projects or events for commercial, technical and/or brand promotion reasons.
Sponsorships must guarantee Braskem clear and specific compensation, such as brand exposure.

Monetary values, goods, equipment or services given to organizations and that bring clear and verifiable socio-environmental benefit to specific audiences, but without necessarily a direct benefit in return for Braskem.
Donations can be made with or without the use of tax incentives.