
Our ambition

Be recognized as a company that promotes human rights and equity in our supply chain and contributes to the local development of surrounding communities.

Our goal

We are working to be an organization in which our team members reflect the diverse communities where we are present, serve, and employ.

We are committed to support, grow, and expand our leadership opportunities for team members from underrepresented communities.

Development of local communities:
Benefitting people through our social responsibility initiatives.

Human rights risks:
Management of 100% of high and medium risks of our value chain relating to Human Rights. It is led by Braskem’s headquarters office in full alignment with other regions for execution of related initiatives.

Our performance

Caring for people is a premise we extend to our entire value chain.

Our efforts are divided into three main fronts: social responsibility, human rights, and diversity.

Click below to learn more about our performance on each of these topics.

Social responsibility and 
relationship with communities

We understand our role in society and seek to contribute to the development of the regions where we operate, creating shared value and well-being for all. In this way, we seek to strengthen the relationship with communities around our sites through dialogue and transparency, prioritizing the causes of Circular Economy & Climate Change, Thecnical and Vocational Education, and Social Inclusion.


Request for donation
or sponsorship

You can submit your project as an application for Sponsorship or Donation and it will be reviewed by Braskem.

Click here and find out in advance about topics, guidelines and restrictions.


Transfer of financial resources from Braskem, with or without the use of tax incentives, to legal entities.

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Monetary values, goods, equipment or services given to organizations and that bring clear socio-environmental benefit

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Human Rights

Braskem and its subsidiaries (“Braskem”) aim to improve people’s quality of life through chemicals and plastics. The power of human relations is one of the company’s pillars and, for this reason, our commitment to respecting human rights is fundamental to running our business.

We act in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). The UNGPs are predicated on responsible business conduct and carrying out due diligence in line with the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Our Public Commitment and the Global Sustainable Development Policy, approved by the Board of Directors, reinforce our commitment to the topic, also expressed in Braskem Code of Conduct and in the Code of Conduct of Third Parties


Due Diligence in Human Rights

As a global iniative, in 2017 Braskem began its first cycle of Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) with methodological bases aligned with the UN Guiding Principles and international human rights instruments. The focus of the work was Brazil, which is home to the company’s largest operations, and in 2021 Braskem began a new HRDD process that is now operating on a global scale.

The latest process took place remotely due to the pandemic, but preserved its main feature: that is, putting the rightsholders at the center of the evaluations. Interviews were conducted, in all locations, with members of the communities adjacent to our operations, with team members (including leaders), contractors, and outside experts, in addition to documentary analyses and information from the public domain and the press. As a result, risks and impacts were identified at the global and local levels.

The company’s actions are always guided by operational excellence, respect for human rights, and the pursuit of positive impacts on society, yet opportunities for improvement were identified with regard to some aspects: occupational health; relationship with communities; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; value chain; and disposal of plastic.

As part of the due diligence process and UNGP guidance, Braskem manages these risks through its Corporate Risks Management, which has structured criteria for monitoring and measuring action plans. In this regard, certain areas of the company were involved in the analysis for the integration of these risks, with due care being taken so as not to lose the perspective of the risk to people while valuing the gains from greater strategic monitoring of each risk. Existing action plans already address most of the recommendations, and new plans are under construction for those not yet covered. The Corporate Risks Management process is assessed and monitored by the Board of Directors and by the company’s Senior Management, ensuring a periodic and systematic review of the risks and opportunities for improvement.

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We aim to manage 100% of the high and medium risks related to human rights by 2030

In 2022, we accomplished 96% of those action plans based on the 2017 HRDD. We keep working on new action plans for the current HRDD cycle.

Responsible Ethanol Sourcing Program

In 2016, Braskem implemented the Responsible Ethanol Sourcing Program to ensure integrity and sustainability practices in the sugarcane chain through audits of suppliers.

In 2022, the Program has gone through a comprehensive revision in which social, human rights, labor rights and upstream chain management has been strengthened in the new auditing models. The Program revision is fully aligned with ISEAL sustainability standards and Bonsucro certification, with effective field implementation in 2023.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion

At Braskem, opportunities are for everyone. Our mission is to collaborate for a better and increasingly inclusive and welcoming society, ensuring equal opportunities for all through a Diversity & Inclusion Program. Our program actions also ensure a workplace free of prejudice and discrimination so that each person can be who they really are.

The program has three pillars:


Human diversity is a set of cultural, biological, social, and economic characteristics that make each individual a unique being.

A diverse group, community or organization is one where a diversity of these characteristics exists.


Equity consists of adapting the existing rule to an actual situation in order to make it fairer.

It is a process that begins by recognizing this uneven starting point and undertakes to correct and resolve the imbalance.


Inclusion is the appreciation and inclusion of populations that, for historical and social reasons, face barriers in society and in companies.

It is the act of creating an inclusive work environment, training, visibility, respect, and fair treatment for these populations.

In addition to actions developed across the board, that is, addressing the issue as a whole, we have initiatives based on five work fronts directed towards inclusion and empowering historically marginalized groups.

Race and ethnicity

Recruiting and retaining people of color to join as team members and leaders within the organization.

Ensure an inclusive and prejudice free work environment.


Empower we upskill and develop women and provide them equitable opportunities.

Supporting our local communities’

Providing opportunities for historically marginalized groups who are underrepresented in the STEM fields.

People with disabilities

Promote an inclusive work environment and equal opportunities for people with disabilities.


Promote an inclusive work environment, free from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, which guarantees equal opportunities and rights.

Discover our projects and initiatives


Braskem is proud to be a sponsor of FOSSI and support students by providing scholarships to study STEM at a Historically Black Colleges, mentorships, leadership training, and internship opportunities.

Braskem is committed to advancing STEM education at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and creating a pipeline of candidates to build a more diverse chemical industry workforce. Through partnerships like this, we can help open the doors to diverse and highly talented individuals ready to tackle significant challenges.

Global Volunteering Program

Braskem's Global Volunteer program was launched in 2017 and aims to give our team members an opportunity to serve to improve people's lives. Braskem's volunteer efforts focus on causes related to our Sustainable Development strategy and on communities and areas where Braskem operates.


We are the national PlastiVan® Program sponsor. The program is designed to excite students about opportunities in science and engineering within the plastics industry. Students are educated about the chemistry, history, processing, manufacturing, and sustainability of plastics and how the science and real-world applications relate to their everyday lives.

This is a way to nurture the development of the future workforce by opening the minds of students to careers in science, engineering, technology, and mathematics (STEM), subjects that are utilized daily in the plastics industry.

The Franklin Institute - Official Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Sponsor

In 2018, Braskem was elected the first official Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion sponsor of the Franklin Institute. Together, Braskem and the Institute encourage diversity and inclusion through programs, such as: Color of Science, Women in Science, and Introduce a Girl to Engineering, among others.

These programs aim to encourage a more inclusive vision of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) careers for the 21st Century and include hands-on activities, special workshop offerings, as well as opportunities for one-on-one interactions with academic leaders, industry executives, and influential leaders.