Braskem continuously invests in and sponsors projects in the social, environmental, and governance spheres by valuing the seven dimensions of our ESG Commitments: health and safety, economic and financial results, elimination of plastic waste, combating climate change, operational eco-efficiency; social responsibility and human rights, and sustainable innovation.
Use the filters below to learn more about each initiative of Braskem and its partners.

CO2 conversion technology
Braskem and Northwestern University (USA) joined in a partnership to develop a technology platform for converting CO2 generated by industrial operations. It is based on co-electrolysis, a technology that makes full use of electricity to convert CO2 into products of interest. In typical electrochemical devices, apart from CO2 conversion, water is converted into oxygen, which has no high commercial value. However, in this new strategy, two reactions of interest occur at the same time, resulting in greater productivity of the system, which creates intermediate chemicals and/or final products for commercial interest applications.

Braskem is proud to be a sponsor of FOSSI and support students by providing scholarships to study STEM at a Historically Black Colleges, mentorships, leadership training, and internship opportunities.
Braskem is committed to advancing STEM education at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and creating a pipeline of candidates to build a more diverse chemical industry workforce. Through partnerships like this, we can help open the doors to diverse and highly talented individuals ready to tackle significant challenges.

Global Volunteering Program
Braskem's Global Volunteer program was launched in 2017 and aims to give our team members an opportunity to serve to improve people's lives. Braskem's volunteer efforts focus on causes related to our Sustainable Development strategy and on communities and areas where Braskem operates.

Integrated CO2 capture and conversion
Braskem has joined forces with the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) to develop a new route for producing ethylene, a raw material used to make thermoplastic resins. This route will use capture and utilization technology to remove CO2 emissions from existing industrial processes that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and is considered the largest contributor to climate change. These emissions are produced whenever coal, oil, natural gas, or other carbon-rich fossil fuels are burned. The carbon capture and utilization technology under development at UIC in conjunction with Braskem holds excellent potential for many global industrial applications by connecting the capture and conversion of waste CO2 streams with the production of sustainable feedstock for making plastic.

Marcus Hook Recycling Drop-Off Center Creation
In 2022, Braskem financed a new community recycling drop-off center in Marcus Hook, PA. This drop-off center provides 2400+ community members the opportunity to recycle common household items.

Membrane technology for carbon capture
Together with Compact Membrane Systems (CMS), a joint development agreement to pilot CMS OptipermTM carbon membrane technology for carbon capture on post-combustion flue gas. The pilot project is designed to capture at least 1 toner day of carbon dioxide (>350 tons per year), this will be the first commercial demonstration of CMS carbon capture technology. The process will validate economic viability and capture >90% of the CO2 from the feed using commercial-scale membranes. CMS has demonstrated the viability of the membrane technology at the lab scale. The demonstration will focus on validating the full low-cost, low-energy, easy-to-operate customer solution: operating window, system design, and control scheme. The pilot is scheduled to be deployed in 2024 after the selection of an engineering firm.

Nexus Circular
In the United States, Braskem signed a 10-year commercial agreement for the supply of circular raw materials, coming from a new chemical recycling unit of Nexus Circular, a company that converts plastics that are difficult to recycle, such as plastic films discarded in landfills, into raw material. Braskem also has a small equity stake in Nexus Circular.

Operation Clean Sweep
Braskem America is a member of Operation Clean Sweep (OCS) blue, a joint stewardship program administered by the American Chemistry Council and the PLASTICS Trade Association. OCS is a global program to provent pre-production plastic loss to the natural environment. OCS blue member is the most robust membership tier which requires 3rd party verification to ensure the requirements of the program are being met. OCS has been implemented in more than 60 countries worldwide and Braskem also participates in this program in Brazil, Mexico, and Europe.

Philadelphia Eagles Partnership
Braskem entered a 9-year sustainability partnership with the Philadelphia Eagles in 2018 which includes a recycling program to support plastics recycling of items used in stadium operations, collaboration in community volunteer projects, and an online education platform called STEM Scholars to help promote and engage Greater Philadelphia region school children in STEM learning and career pathways.

We are the national PlastiVan® Program sponsor. The program is designed to excite students about opportunities in science and engineering within the plastics industry. Students are educated about the chemistry, history, processing, manufacturing, and sustainability of plastics and how the science and real-world applications relate to their everyday lives.
This is a way to nurture the development of the future workforce by opening the minds of students to careers in science, engineering, technology, and mathematics (STEM), subjects that are utilized daily in the plastics industry.

Post Consumer Recycled (PCR)
Braskem America offers a wide range of PCR polypropylene products and is continuously working on developing new PCR grades to achieve wide-reaching market commitments. Also, our PCR grades can be used in a variety of applications, such as food and beverage (containers, caps, and closures); cosmetics (containers, caps, and closures); housewares; and auto/industrial.
Learn more on the Wenew website , our circularity ecosystem that brings together Braskem's products, technologies, and initiatives that are helping to drive the circular economy.

Braskem America, Inc. has signed a membership agreement with REMADE, an institute committed to accelerating the circular economy through the development of sustainable manufacturing technologies that lead to real, near-term energy, environmental, industrial decarbonization, and economic impacts. The agreement allows us to send project proposals or to participate in projects as partners. We currently have 3 ongoing projects in a total amount of $12.5M where 50% is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

The Franklin Institute
Braskem proudly sponsors the STEM Scholars program at The Franklin Institute, a transformative four-year college and career preparation initiative. Each year, this program recruits 20 freshman students from the Philadelphia area, focusing on those from communities historically underrepresented in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and math).
By supporting this initiative, Braskem is not only investing in education but also in the future leaders who will drive innovation and change in our world.
Guideline for sponsorships and donations
Our decision-making is guided by a Business Guideline for sponsorships and donations, which covers investments that use direct funds and incentive funds. Check below the main topics, target audiences and the locations where the projects we sponsor are present:

Circular economy, global agenda for sustainability, innovation and knowledge generation, engagement with the chemical and plastic sector.

Braskem's market and/or chains of action, communities and surrounding region, academic community, society and opinion makers.

Regions where Braskem has its industrial units and commercial offices. Duque de Caxias (RJ); Cubatão, Mauá, Paulínia, Santo André, São Paulo (SP); Bebedouro, Maceió and Marechal Deodoro (AL); Camaçari, Candeias, Dias d'Ávila and Salvador (BA); Montenegro, Nova Santa Rita, Porto Alegre and Triunfo (RS).

Braskem does not support projects that:
- Promote political parties, politicians or religions.
- Promote violence, crime, drugs, sex, cruelty to animals and/or bad environmental practices.
- Are not aligned with the values of transparency, integrity and ethics.
- Be on behalf of natural persons. Only organizations can be supported.
- Promote professional artists or bands.
- Do not follow the registration and analysis process sent by the form available here.
Request for sponsorship or donation
You can submit your project for analysis by Braskem as a sponsorship or donation request. Know the themes, guidelines and restrictions beforehand.

Transfer of financial resources from Braskem, with or without the use of tax incentives, to legal entities with a view to carrying out projects or events for commercial, technical and/or brand promotion reasons.
Sponsorships must guarantee Braskem clear and specific compensation, such as brand exposure.

Monetary values, goods, equipment or services given to organizations and that bring clear and verifiable socio-environmental benefit to specific audiences, but without necessarily a direct benefit in return for Braskem.
Donations can be made with or without the use of tax incentives.
Press Releases
More news
Philadelphia Eagles and Braskem "Tackling STEM" Program Empowers Youth Across the Greater Philadelphia Area

Braskem Collaborates with the University of British Columbia to Develop Technology for Producing Methanol from CO2

Braskem and WEAV3D® Awarded by the Society for Plastics Engineers (SPE) and American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA)

Braskem Selected to Negotiate Terms of a Prestigious $50 Million Award from U.S. Department of Energy to Drive Electrification Revolution

Braskem America Introduces Bio-Circular Polypropylene (PP): A Sustainable Solution for the Restaurant and Snack Food Industries