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Press Releases • October 15, 2021

UN Global Pact recognizes Braskem for good human rights practices

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the UN Global Pact, within the scope of the project Responsible Business Conduct in Latin America and Caribbean

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the UN Global Pact, within the scope of the project Responsible Business Conduct in Latin America and Caribbean (RBCLAC), have recognized Braskem for its practices related to the preservation of Human Rights in its corporate conduct. In this context, this month saw the release of a publication on the subject highlighting relevant cases in various Latin American companies. After a screening carried out by the organization, twelve cases were selected, two of them from Braskem, "Social Responsibility and Human Rights" and "Public Report on Human Rights". Both cases are related to the company's renewal of its commitments to sustainable development towards 2030.

The material, celebrating ten years of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, recognizes through the cases presented, Human Rights initiatives by Braskem, highlighting its commitment to this pillar. It is also a multidisciplinary subject that, at Braskem, encompasses various aspects: local development, diversity, equity and inclusion, direct social risks and impacts on the surrounding community, risks related to the supply chain, among others. 

This year, the company is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals towards 2030, and has undertaken new commitments divided into seven dimensions, among which are social responsibility and human rights. This dimension involves goals that promote development of communities in the surroundings of industrial plants, increase the number of women in leadership positions, increase the number of black people among its team members and manage 100% of high and medium risks to human rights throughout the entire supply chain. All of this is in pursuit of a better future for the next generations.

To access the publication, simply complete the required details according to the instructions in the link:

Braskem is the only Brazilian company in the Global Compact LEAD group

This year once again, Braskem was also recognized as a Leading Company in Sustainable Development by the UN Global Pact (Global Compact LEAD). This is a select group of companies that had their commitments recognized by the UN Global Pact and undertook a leadership role within the Global Compact, which is considered the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative. More than 14,000 companies from all over the world take part in the Global Pact, and, out of those, only 37 companies were included in the LEAD group of the UN Global Pact, while Braskem is the sole Brazilian company included among them.


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